TDSB Holodomor Recognition Day

On August 27, 2008, the Toronto District School Board unanimously passed a motion …“be it resolved that the fourth Friday in November be a day of recognition in all schools in honour of those who died during the Holodomor and that this day be officially marked in the system-wide calendar”. The motion was proposed by Ward 12 (Willowdale) Trustee Mari Rutka and seconded by Ward 7 (Parkdale-High Park) Trustee Irene Atkinson.

Additional strong support was voiced by Trustees Josh Matlow, Bruce Davis, John Hastings and James Pasternak. Discussions around the motion recommended the inclusion of the Holodomor in the education curriculum, and that Holodomor Recognition Day be actively implemented.

NP - A motion to include the Holodomor in the school board’s curriculum was passed at a program and school services committee meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 10. A consenting agreement between the Board and its Staff, and formality of full school board vote will see the Holodomor in the history curriculum as early as next school year, in Sept. 2009.