Conference on Holodomor and Curricula in Toronto - May 2013

Interest to Educators and Community

The Holodomor Research and Education Consortium and the National Holodomor Education Committee of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, with the support of the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre and St. Vladimir Institute in Toronto, cordially invite educators and the community to the conference The Holodomor and Curricula — Triumphs and Challenges, to be held in Toronto, May 10–12, 2013. The conference is designed to allow participants to broaden their knowledge about inclusion of the Holodomor into school curricula and to review the most recent pedagogy, resources and teaching materials in the realm of Holodomor studies. Above all, the conference is an opportunity for educators from across Canada and the USA to exchange knowledge and experience. Please reserve these dates; more information will follow.

Accommodations are being arranged at the conference site, St. Vladimir Institute, 620 Spadina Ave., as well as at the nearby Holiday Inn on Bloor Street West at a special price. The cost for registration for the conference is $100, which includes breakfast and lunch. We encourage you to approach your local Ukrainian organizations and credit unions to apply for grants to defer costs of travel, accommodations, and daily expenses.

We kindly request that you indicate your intention to attend by March 1, 2013. We also welcome your suggestions regarding specific subjects that you would like addressed at the conference. Please contact me by email at

We hope you can join us at this important forum to discuss this tremendously complex and challenging subject of great importance to our community.

Valentina Kuryliw

Director of Education, Holodomor Research and Education Consortium,

CIUS, University of Alberta;

Chair, National Holodomor Education Committee,

Ukrainian Canadian Congress;

Ukrainian Research and Documentation Centre