News, Views and the Truth

By Volodymyr Kish

I would like to start off by saying that I really get a kick out of writing this column.  Every week, I have the grand opportunity to rant and rave, to pontificate, to inform, to debate, to poke fun at, to question, to philosophize and sometimes lay bare my soul to you, my loyal readers, as well as anyone else who may chance upon my weekly 750 or so words of “wisdom”.

I am of course, grateful for all  of you who have expressed thanks or appreciation for my humble efforts.  I should note that there are also folks out there that are somewhat less complimentary, and in fact a few who consider my writings and opinions to be heretical, vain, uninformed, divisive, xenophobic, communist and a few other choice adjectives, some of which are not publishable in a respectable newspaper.  One such “critic” got into the habit of leaving vitriolic, epithet laden voice mails on my home phone with such frequency that I had to threaten to call the police and have said critic charged with harassment.

I guess when one becomes a public figure and presumes to offer opinions, one should assume that there will be folks who will take issue with those opinions.  That is all well and good, as that is the essential purpose of a column such as mine – to stimulate reflection and debate on issues of importance.  I relish feedback and am pleased to get it, even when it is critical of my point of view.  In fact, I particularly appreciate a dissenting or contrary opinion.  That type of dialectic dialogue can be a healthy and constructive process.

What I do not appreciate is when the criticism is not of the ideas or the issues but is ad hominem, i.e. attacks on the integrity, character, intelligence or motives of the author. If you do not like what I have written, well then by all means offer a rebuttal. Present a reasoned and supported contrary view.  The newspaper welcomes letters to the editor, and providing that it is not slanderous or defamatory, it will be published.

The other thing I often encounter that I find objectionable is people putting words in my mouth or drawing unwarranted conclusions.  A good example of this happened some months ago when I wrote an editorial criticizing the actions of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada for its actions during the visit of Patriarch Filaret.  One upset reader condemned me saying that as a Catholic I had no business voicing anti-Orthodox views, and should in effect mind my own business.  The problem is that I am Orthodox and not Catholic as the reader mistakenly assumed.  Ironically, recently I was accused of being anti-Catholic after writing an article that referred to the unfortunate split of the original Ukrainian Church caused by the Union of Brest and the formation of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. 

The fact that I may criticize a specific act, opinion or policy of a certain person or organization does not imply that I am categorically against everything that person or organization may espouse. Infallibility exists only in theoretical utopias and not on this flawed Earth of ours.  Unfortunately, within the Ukrainian community there are still some folks who hold on to some rather inflexible notions that if I disagree with you on something, I must be your enemy.  This type of all or nothing mentality is neither constructive nor healthy to a diverse society.

I do not claim to be the arbiter of what is truth, nor do I hold a monopoly of knowledge on what is right and what is wrong.  What I do offer is my opinions and views garnered from a lifetime of experience and learning, particularly within the Ukrainian community that is my base.  Undoubtedly they reflect my personal biases, values, beliefs and preferences.  Fortunately, I have found that they also strike a chord with a lot of other Ukrainian Canadians of my generation, so I am fairly confident that I am not some crank or kook with eccentric views.

I will of course continue to offer you my views and opinions in this column and you are free to agree or disagree with them, either privately or within the pages of this newspaper.  All I ask for is for a reasoned and civilized dialogue.